Observed: General Rules of Facebook Pictures

I’m a big believer that my twitter feed and Facebook statuses are not  a place for a rant, that is the realm of a well thought out blog.  So here we go.

Two developments have made it incredibly easy to share photos between people in the last 6 months.  (1) Thanks to samsung and apple and various companies, nearly everyone has a phone with a great camera on it.  I’m one of those people. But also, (2) Facebook Timeline is incredibly functional as a grid to share almost anything just by “Liking” it.  Pictures are now like water, flowing from profile to profile.

It is a bit crazy.  I have had to unsubscribe from a few people who “like” every picture they see.  It was getting old.

Also, because there are more pictures, I have observed a few general rules of Facebook photography.  For your pleasure, here they are…and I hope that you’ll assess and determine if you’re in any of these categories:

(A) Girls must squish their faces together if they are in the same picture.

(B) If I am by myself, with a phone, and a mirror – I must immediately do a photoshoot, and stick out my tongue at least once.

(C) Cupcakes, Kittens, and Dogs immediately get pics, shared and liked by everyone.

(D) New Babies will get introduced and cooed over almost immediately.

(E) Landscape photos of beautiful views are valid, and seem to pop up wildly as people travel.  Sunsets, mountains, cityscapes.

(F) Harry Potter, Twilight and SuperHero pics and trivia will be shared…and also anything Disney.

(G) Artsy photos (especially black and whites) make artsy people look artsy.

(H) David Beckham.

(I) Guys will wear stupid hats and try to look tough.

(J) Graphic designers faces will be in odd old photos.

(K) I’m glad everyone is having fun with mustaches.  Keep on.

Well, there are many more – but these are what I observed lately. Especially the first few.  Warning: If I see any dragons, fairies, or excessive use of Photoshop, I will likely unsubscribe.  Keep it real people.  Thank you.

Memes I Made For Everyday Life (To Destress or Laugh)

I made some memes.  Take a look, and I’ll add the explanations below (if you care enough about me to understand anything going on in my mind).

Arnold – This one was random.  I saw a picture of Arnold S. and thought immediately of Terminator.  I was in an odd mood, so I tried to think up the most random thing I could – dolphins and dogs trained by robots made by aliens to destroy humanity.  Terminator is waaaay too simple.

Yoda Birthday – Amanda’s Birthday week (Amanda is my wife) was a while back, and I thought that she enjoyed it.  That saturday I sat down with some Dragon Ball Z and celebrated a good week.

I Would Kill – I laugh every time I see this guy’s glare, so I wanted to do something along the lines of “I Drink Blood…Orange Juice at the Farmer’s Market” meme.  I like the unexpected.

Goliath – This was my first meme, and I wanted it to come from scripture.  I think I succeeded ;D

Y U Make Me Happy Owl – Amanda was spending time with me which is normally awesome, but this time it was keeping me from reading for a class – so I made this Owl to represent the moment.  I love this one.

Wide Eyed Dog – This was in honor of my friend Josh Cooke and his Dog, who constantly obsessively wishes for you to toss his ball/stick/whatever.  It will last until you give up.  Forever.

Bear Falling From Sky – Amanda sent me an article about a bear being trapped in a tree. The image was pretty interesting, and lent itself to taking it out of context.  It looks like a bear is falling from the sky.  I love it.

Hope you enjoy.  I don’t know why I’ve been so much into humor lately, but I think it is a good sign.  And lastly, the “Ron Swanson”!

Pass It On: COWs are Used for Everything!


(image from gizmodo.com)

This pic blew my mind.  I knew that cattle gave us milk, meat, and eyeballs to dissect in 5th grade classes everywhere, but I bet you didn’t know that their skin was used in the white sheetrock in your McMansion!  This shows two things.  (1) Americans find a use for everything like the Native Americans did, and (2) The Chic Fil A cows pointing people to eat “Chikin” aren’t nearly going far enough to save their species.  I’m glad I’m human.

Moving to a New Place

Amanda and I will be moving a bit farther out into Bluffton soon.  This week (fingers crossed) we should be closing on a two level, 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1 car garage home just off of Buckwalter (after the Movie Theater and the Publix plaza.  If you live in Bluffton, SC or Hilton Head Island, you know what I’m talking about.  For those of you scattered abroad, here are some pics:

Anyways.  Thats an incomplete picture.  As we move in we’ll post more photos of the moving in process.  I have more photos, but they have someone else’s furniture so I don’t want to use them 😉

Be back w more soon.
